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SACRAMENTO — A Sacramento nonprofit is teaming up with a local credit union to give back so seniors can safely do basic tasks like bathing or exercising.
Those lending a helping hand are also a group of seniors, finding a second career serving those in need with the nonprofit Rebuilding Together Sacramento.
“It’s people that have need,” Terri Crosetti said. “If they are disabled in some way, knee replacement surgery and they need to grab bars or a ramp to assist with a wheelchair or things like that.”
Crosetti is a retired attorney.
“We come in in the mornings and we have a meeting with our director here,” Crosetti said. “And he tells us what our jobs are for the day.”

She works alongside Stan Jones, a retired human resources officer.
“We’re accomplishing something,” Jones said. “We’re building something and our clients are usually pretty grateful.”
Both say it’s nice to have a completed product ready to deliver at the end of the day.
“We believe everyone should live in a healthy safe home for as long as they want to live there,” Bonnie Patterson said.

Patterson oversees the nonprofit that runs the SAFE At Home Program. It has helped more than 600 people in four counties.
“We take all skill levels. It’s great to have those that have handyman skills or construction backgrounds,” she said. “But I don’t and I get out there as well, so anything helps.”
What’s been a big help is funding through SAFE Credit Union, which has funded 75 of those projects.
“Every year, we have a quarterly grant cycle, and one time out of the year, our one-time members in our community can vote on which nonprofits they’d like to see the grant money awarded to,” said Alex Becerra, with SAFE Credit Union. “So for our annual public vote, we gave $15,000 to Rebuilding Together Sacramento and the foster youth education fund.”