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MIAMI – In today’s Miami Proud we shine the spotlight on The Miss Arc Broward Pageant, an inspiring event for young women ages 6 to 17 with disabilities.
Contestants participate in a supportive pageant environment that builds confidence, lifelong friendships, and a truly unforgettable and heartwarming experience.
Grace,17, and her ambassador Lola McClure have been busy preparing for the Miss Arc Broward Pageant. Grace is learning how to put on make-up and practicing her dance routine for her big pageant performance.
Grace selected the song Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira for her dance performance routine, and her mentor is helping her get ready for the big day.
“I am a Ms. Arc Broward ambassador, so what the ambassadors do is they partner up with a girl, we meet them at the first event and we kind of just get to know each other and if there’s a special connection like me and Grace had then you become their ambassador and we help them backstage, we help them learn the dance and we just help them,” said McClure.

During the pageant the contestants perform an opening dance, they answer an onstage question and they also perform their talent, but no matter who wins the crown all the girls walk away feeling special.
“It’s more of just everyone is happy for everyone. Everyone supports everyone and that’s one thing I really love about the pageant,” said McClure.
This will be Grace’s second time taking part in the Miss Arc Broward Pageant. Grace’s mother told CBS Miami it’s a joy to see all girls having so much fun.
“Everyone wants to be invited to the party. Here we have a big party at the Parker Play House, where many other girls with different diagnoses and different abilities are going to be feeling like anybody else, beautiful and performing and jumping and dancing and giggling,” said Patricia Garland.

Lola says it has been a joy watching Grace grow through this process, “Last year it was a little hard to get her to go onstage and do her talent, but we finally did. The second she stepped on stage she was so happy. She was glowing. Everybody loved her dance.”
Grace’s evening gown is ready and she is looking forward to showcasing her abilities for a live audience at the Miss Arc Broward Pageant.
The Arc Broward believes that everyone deserves opportunity, especially people with disabilities and other life challenges. The group serves the community by providing meaningful opportunities for everyone.
Click here for more information on the Miss Arc Broward Pageant.