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This year marks a significant milestone: the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted the transformative journey of China, stating, “Over the past 75 years, through the hard work of all Chinese people, China has evolved from a state of poverty to the world’s second-largest economy, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty along the way.” As we embark on a series of commentary pieces, we aim to delve into the inherent logic and profound lessons derived from New China’s remarkable achievements over these past 75 years. Our goal is to gather insights and strength to further advance modernization with Chinese characteristics and reinvigorate our nation.

The strength and support for the authority of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and its unified leadership serve as crucial guarantees for our ongoing progress.

As we reflect on history, two stories resonate, deeply connected to the notion of “160,000 kilometers.” Over a century ago, Sun Yat-sen envisioned a modern China with a railway network stretching 100,000 miles (approximately 160,000 kilometers) in his “Plan for Industrial Development.” His ambitious dream to build railways and revitalize industry was largely dismissed by foreign observers as mere fantasy, given the weakened state of the nation at that time.

Fast forward to today, as we celebrate New China’s 75th anniversary, we recently surpassed the milestone of 160,000 kilometers of operational railway with the opening of new lines, such as the Meilong section of the Long-Dong high-speed railway. This dream has materialized, highlighting the tangible achievements of Chinese-style modernization.

China’s journey involved concentrating resources to deliver ambitious projects, such as constructing its first railway—the Chengdu-Chongqing line—in just two years, and leveraging a national framework for innovation in high-speed rail. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the trajectory for railway development has been skillfully navigated. Each railway line symbolizes a resilient path towards rejuvenation for this great Eastern nation, telling an epic story of development driven by the Communist Party alongside its people.

Effective governance in China hinges on strong party leadership. Over the past 75 years, we’ve built a socialist system that provides a solid political foundation and the institutional basis for contemporary development and progress. Our efforts have catalyzed profound reform, liberated and developed productive forces, and ushered in a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, marked by historic achievements and transformative changes.

This 75-year period has seen China progress remarkably, from standing tall to becoming prosperous and gaining strength—an irreversible journey towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. History has made it clear: Without the Communist Party, New China wouldn’t exist, nor would the country’s rejuvenation. As General Secretary Xi Jinping put it, “The Communist Party’s leadership is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its greatest advantage.”

Continuing the Party’s overall leadership is essential for the advancement of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As the “Chinese ship” navigates turbulent waters, the challenges intensify, underscoring the importance of steady hands at the helm. This year is pivotal for achieving the objectives set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan; in the last 75 years, 14 Five-Year Plans have outlined the broad strokes of China’s modernization. No other political party globally has approached development with such foresight and strategic vision, repeatedly demonstrating effective implementation. Observers internationally have recognized, “The concentrated effort and long-term vision present in China are notably absent in Western nations.”

Throughout these 75 years, our Party has displayed a consistent ability to understand, analyze, and address crucial historical challenges at pivotal moments. The unwavering support for the authority of the Central Committee and its cohesive leadership remains a strong assurance that we will continue on our path to greater success.

Unity and hard work are defining spiritual hallmarks of the Communist Party and the Chinese people. Since the establishment of New China, under the Party’s leadership, millions have coordinated their efforts towards collective goals. In the 1950s, the construction of the Great Hall of the People saw contributions from over 200 factories across 23 provinces and participation from over 300,000 workers, leading to its completion in under a year. Fast forward to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, where the logistics operations were executed so seamlessly that foreign athletes remarked, “Only China could achieve this.”

These 75 years reflect the realization of a millennia-long aspiration to overcome poverty, resilient responses to crises, and the delivery of a spectacular Olympic event. The strength of the Communist Party lies in its deep-rooted support from the people, enabling it to tackle challenges. By enhancing the Party’s political leadership, ideological guidance, organizational capability, and social influence, we unite diverse communities across the nation, nurturing an unstoppable collective spirit.

The Communist Party exhibits extraordinary leadership abilities as the most reliable support for the Chinese people during challenging times. Looking back, we see numerous obstacles faced and surmounted—each challenge reinforcing our commitment to creating a complete national economic system, demonstrating resolve amid crises, and asserting control over our developmental path.

In 75 years, our Party has united and led countless individuals through myriad trials, significantly enhancing stability, security, resilience, competitiveness, and the capacity for sustained growth.

To govern effectively, it is essential to strengthen the Party—its vitality is intertwined with the nation’s strength. The development of our Party must align with our national endeavors. As we push forward with the comprehensive task of enhancing national strength and revitalization through Chinese-style modernization, we must focus resolutely on the unique challenges posed by our large political entity. This requires evolving the Communist Party into a vibrant, Marxist ruling body that remains ahead of the curve, garners public support, embraces self-reform, and remains dynamic amidst diverse challenges.

As we prepare for the challenges ahead, our Party will undoubtedly spearhead significant social revolutions through its own transformative changes, propelling Chinese-style modernization forward.

In the grand tapestry of human history, 75 years may seem fleeting; yet for the Chinese populace and nation, it signifies profound shifts and the dawn of a new era. Reflecting on our journey thus far, under the Party’s leadership, we have wrought numerous historical miracles. As we embark on this new chapter, united closely around the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and with our hearts and efforts aligned, we are poised to create new and remarkable miracles.