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To maintain unwavering dedication and persist for decades—that’s the essence behind the success of Chinese athletes on the international stage.

Freestyle skiing aerials, often referred to as “aerial dance,” is incredibly captivating. However, each seemingly effortless movement is a rigorous test of one’s fundamental skills and adaptability. Wearing skis and boots adds about 5 kilograms of weight, and coupled with the outdoor environment, athletes must not only master their techniques but also contend with nature. For instance, if they detect changes in the wind direction while in flight, they must quickly adjust their balance to ensure a safe landing.

In sports, talent is the best calling card. Historically, Chinese athletes in this discipline were not viewed as serious contenders on the global scene. At the 2013 Freestyle Skiing World Championships, I executed a trick with a difficulty rating of 5.0, earning the title of “King of Difficulty.” This honor is a testament to the hard work of multiple generations striving towards a shared goal, consistently breaking new ground and proving the prowess of Chinese athletes to the world.

For every member of the national team, competing for one’s country is a profound conviction. After my performance at the 2013 World Championships, I resolved to nail this difficult maneuver at the Winter Olympics. However, due to a lack of experience, I faced disappointment at both the 2014 and 2018 Winter Olympics. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, I felt a strong drive to make up for those past setbacks. I transformed numerous failures into lessons and emerged with a renewed belief that falling wasn’t the end; getting back up, understanding the lessons learned, would lead to stronger future performances. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, I successfully completed my routine and became the champion in men’s freestyle skiing aerials. Over my 24-year career spanning four Winter Olympics, I’ve learned that enduring solitude is the key to earning applause. Training is often tedious, filled with repetitive and complex technical movements, testing one’s mental fortitude. To hold on and persevere for decades is precisely what gives Chinese athletes their competitive edge on the world stage.

People often say that competitive sports are ruthless. Injuries affect everyone, yet there’s only one champion. The journey itself is about the relentless pursuit of dreams. While winning gold is significant, bringing honor to one’s country is even more crucial. Passion has no end, and neither does dreaming. For me, success is a reward for hard work, signifying a fresh start. As I age, physical decline is inevitable, but experience and wisdom grow, allowing me to share my knowledge with younger generations.

Competitive and recreational sports complement each other; the achievements in elite sports rely heavily on grassroots support. Before I started skiing, I knew nothing about the sport. Snow events were once considered niche, garnering little public interest. Thanks to recent developments, especially the excitement surrounding the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the country has witnessed a surge in winter sports participation. Now, engaging in ice and snow activities has become fashionable, with more people, particularly youth, joining in.

When the seeds of interest are sown in the hearts of many, they can cultivate the next generation of winter sports talent, continuing to soar and bring glory to our nation. In the future, I aim to work diligently to draw more attention to ice and snow sports and contribute to their promotion in China.